Results for 'John M. Bickers'

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  1. Recognition memory and awareness: A large effect of study-test modalities on "know" responses following a highly perceptual orienting task.V. H. Gregg & John M. Gardiner - 1994 - European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 6:137-47.
  2. Memory: Task dissociations, process dissociations and dissociations of consciousness.A. Richardson-Klavehn, John M. Gardiner & R. I. Java - 1995 - In Geoffrey D. M. Underwood (ed.), Implicit Cognition. Oxford University Press.
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    Confusion in the West: Retrieving Tradition in the Modern and Post-Modern World.Anna Rist & John M. Rist - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Edited by John M. Rist.
    In their trenchant panoramic overview – ranging from antiquity to the present-day – John and Anna Rist write with authority and ennui about nothing less than the loss of the foundational culture of the West. The authors characterize this culture as the 'original tradition', viewing its erosion as one which has led to anxiety about the entire value of Western thought. The causes of the disintegration are discussed with an intensity rare in academe. Critics of modernity ordinarily concentrate on (...)
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  4. Aristotle on natural teleology.John M. Cooper - 1981 - In M. Nussbaum & M. Schofield (eds.), Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 197--222.
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  5. or Wittgenstein.Hems John M. Husserl - 1976 - In Harold A. Durfee (ed.), Analytic philosophy and phenomenology. The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
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  6. (1 other version)Skepticism about persons.John M. Doris - 2009 - Philosophical Issues 19 (1):57-91.
  7. 3.0 tasks, retrieval strategies, and states of consciousness: A framework.Alan Richardson-Klavehn, John M. Gardiner & Rosalind I. Java - 1995 - In Geoffrey D. M. Underwood (ed.), Implicit Cognition. Oxford University Press. pp. 85.
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    The Evolution of Cultural Entities.Michael Wheeler, John M. Ziman & Margaret A. Boden (eds.) - 2002 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Ever since Darwin, scholars have noted that cultural entities such as languages, laws and theories seem to evolve through variation, selection and replication. These essays consider whether this comparison is just a metaphor.
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  9. Scientific literacy and discursive identity: A theoretical framework for understanding science learning.Bryan A. Brown, John M. Reveles & Gregory J. Kelly - 2005 - Science Education 89 (5):779-802.
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  10. Ethical approaches to global poverty.G. John M. Abbarno - 2009 - In Jinfen Yan & David E. Schrader (eds.), Creating a Global Dialogue on Value Inquiry: Papers From the Xxii Congress of Philosophy (Rethinking Philosophy Today). Edwin Mellen Press.
  11. Moral Space and Values.G. John M. Abbarno - 2014 - In Inherent and Instrumental Values: Excursions in Value Inquiry. Lanham: University Press of America.
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    The Ethics of Homelessness: Philosophical Perspectives: Second, revised edition.G. John M. Abbarno (ed.) - 2020 - Brill | Rodopi.
    _The Ethics of Homelessness_ is a compilation of essays analysing the philosophical, legal and social implications of the seemingly intractable condition that people endure without a home, where their fundamental human rights, autonomy and privacy are compromised. Authors use literature and arguments to demonstrate the failings of public policy.
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    James and Dewey on Belief and Experience.Donald Capps & John M. Capps (eds.) - 2004 - University of Illinois Press.
    Donald Capps and John Capps's James and Dewey on Belief and Experience juxtaposes the key writings of two philosophical superstars. As fathers of Pragmatism, America's unique contribution to world philosophy, their work has been enormously influential, and remains essential to any understanding of American intellectual history. In these essays, you'll find William James deeply embroiled in debates between religion and science. Combining philosophical charity with logical clarity, he defended the validity of religious experience against crass forms of scientism. Dewey (...)
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  14. Reading Neoplatonism: Non-Discursive Thinking in the Texts of Plotinus, Proclus and Damascius.John M. Rist - 2001 - Mind 110 (438):537-539.
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    Personal Experiences of Research Misconduct and the Response of Individual Academic Scientists.Alan E. Bayer & John M. Braxton - 1996 - Science, Technology and Human Values 21 (2):198-213.
    From a national U.S. sample of senior academic biochemists, ninety-four indicated that they personally knew of an incident of scientific wrongdoing. Among these individuals, less formal actions against an offending individual were endorsed when either actions were believed to have the potential to publicly embarrass the offending individual, or the actions might adversely affect the professional career of the whistleblower. These relationships remain significant after controlling for professional status, career age, and current level of formal departmental administrative responsibility. Study limitations (...)
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    The Social Study of Corporate Science: A Research Manifesto.Annemiek Nelis, John M. A. Verbakel & Bart Penders - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (6):439-446.
    Laboratory ethnographies have provided valuable insights in the workings of contemporary science and technology and about facts in the making. Nearly all these ethnographic studies have been conducted at nonprofit research institutes. In this article, the authors argue that it is time for science and technology studies (STS) ethnography to direct its gaze toward for-profit knowledge production sites. The authors do so, based on a long-standing recognition that nonprofit academic laboratories do not have a monopoly on knowledge construction. First, they (...)
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    Doing without desert.John M. Doris - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (10):2625-2634.
    This paper is a critical discussion of Manuel Vargas’ Building Better Beings, focusing on the treatment of desert therein. By means of an analogy between morality and sport, I examine some seemingly peculiar implications of Vargas’ teleological and revisionary account of desert. I also consider some general questions of philosophical methodology provoked by revisionary approaches.
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    Iamblichi Chalcidensis in Platonis dialogos commentariorum fragmenta.John M. Dillon - 1973 - Leiden,: Brill. Edited by Iamblichus.
    The fragments of Iamblichus' commentaries on Plato's dialogues (Sophist, Phaedo, Phaedrus and Timaeus). Greek text with English translation and notes.
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  19. Freedom Limited: An Essay on Democracy.Marten ten Hoor, John M. Anderson & Louis Hartz - 1955 - Ethics 65 (4):312-314.
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  20. Eudaimonism and the Appeal to Nature in the Morality of Happiness.John M. Cooper - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (3):587-598.
    Recent scholarship has steadily been opening up for philosophical study an increasingly wide range of the philosophical literature of antiquity. We no longer think only of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and their pre-Socratic forebears, when someone refers to the views of the ancient philosophers. Julia Annas has been one of the philosophers most closely engaged in the renewed study of Hellenistic philosophy over the past fifteen years, enabling herself and other scholars to acquire the necessary ground-level knowledge of the widely-dispersed (...)
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    Famine and Charity.John M. Whelan - 1991 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):149-166.
  22. Altruism.Stephen Stich, John M. Doris & Erica Roedder - 2010 - In John Doris (ed.), Moral Psychology Handbook. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    We begin, in section 2, with a brief sketch of a cluster of assumptions about human desires, beliefs, actions, and motivation that are widely shared by historical and contemporary authors on both sides in the debate. With this as background, we’ll be able to offer a more sharply focused account of the debate. In section 3, our focus will be on links between evolutionary theory and the egoism/altruism debate. There is a substantial literature employing evolutionary theory on each side of (...)
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  23. Stoic autonomy.John M. Cooper - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (2):1-29.
    As it is currently understood, the notion of autonomy, both as something that belongs to human beings and human nature, as such, and also as the source or basis of morality , is bound up inextricably with the philosophy of Kant. The term “autonomy” itself derives from classical Greek, where it was applied primarily or even exclusively in a political context, to civic communities possessing independent legislative and self-governing authority. The term was taken up again in Renaissance and early modern (...)
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    Who attributes what to whom? Moral values and relational context shape causal attribution to the person or the situation.Laura Niemi, John M. Doris & Jesse Graham - 2023 - Cognition 232 (C):105332.
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    Work Group Climate and Behavioral Responses to Psychological Contract Breach.Yimo Shen, John M. Schaubroeck, Lei Zhao & Lei Wu - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:413940.
    Drawing on theories of social exchange and social information processing, we examined whether the influence of psychological contract breach on in-role performance and organization-directed citizenship behavior (OCBO) depends work group climate levels, specifically procedural justice climate and power distance climate. The findings supported our hypothesis that psychological contract breach exhibits a stronger influence on in-role performance and OCBO among members of units with favorable procedural justice climates. Support for a hypothesized moderating role of power distance climate was less conclusive. We (...)
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  26. A History of Ancient Israeland Judah.J. Maxwell Miller & John M. Hayes - 1986
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    HIPAA Compliance and Training: A Perfect Storm for Professionalism Education?Julie L. Agris & John M. Spandorfer - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (4):652-656.
    The HIPAA Rules continue to support and bolster the importance of protecting the privacy and security of patients' protected health information. The HIPAA training requirements are at the cornerstone of meaningful implementation and provide a ripe opportunity for critical education.
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  28. Arcesilaus: Socratic and sceptic.John M. Cooper - 2005 - In Lindsay Judson & Vassilis Karasmanis (eds.), Remembering Socrates: philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Collaborating agents: Values, sociality, and moral responsibility.John M. Doris - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Iamblichus and the Origin of the Doctrine of Henads.John M. Dillon - 1972 - Phronesis 17 (2):102-106.
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    Retail Pharmacy Market Structure and Performance.John M. Brooks, William R. Doucette, Shaowei Wan & Donald G. Klepser - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (1):75-88.
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    (1 other version)Acknowledgments.John M. Cooper - 2004 - In Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy. Princeton University Press.
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    CHAPTER 1. Method and Science in On Ancient Medicine.John M. Cooper - 2004 - In Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 3-42.
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    CHAPTER 13. Moral Theory and Moral Improvement: Marcus Aurelius.John M. Cooper - 2004 - In Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 335-368.
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    CHAPTER 3. Plato, Isocrates, and Cicero on the Independence of Oratory from Philosophy.John M. Cooper - 2004 - In Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 65-80.
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    Atheis.John M. Echols, Achdiat K. Mihardja & R. J. Maguire - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):354.
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    Hikajat Bandjar. A Study in Malay Historiography.John M. Echols & J. J. Ras - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):231.
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    Indonesian Palaeography.John M. Echols & J. G. de Casparis - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (2):204.
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    The Reformation in Historical ThoughtHistoriography of the Reformation.John M. Headley, A. G. Dickens & John Tonkin - 1987 - Journal of the History of Ideas 48 (3):521.
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    Visual Attention and the Attention-Action Interface.John M. Henderson - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 5--290.
    The chapter focuses on the often neglected aspect of the perceptual experience—the impact and effect of the visual process on our attention-action interface. The chapter utilizes studies on eye movement control to explore further the linkage between action and perception. A selection function is ascribed to the visual system, which causes an intended motor action to be directed at a specific object within the visual field. This selective capability links the various visual representations with visual processing and motor programming. Succeeding (...)
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    Existentialism: An Introduction, by Kevin Aho.John M. Hersey - 2016 - Teaching Philosophy 39 (1):81-85.
  42. (1 other version)Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the Passions.John M. Cooper - 1993 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 11:175-98.
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    Tributes to Charles A. Moore as philosopher, teacher, colleague, editor, and conference director.Winfield E. Nagley, John M. Koller, S. K. Saksena, Kenneth K. Inada & Abraham Kaplan - 1967 - Philosophy East and West 17 (1/4):7-14.
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  44. Why the Debate Between Originalists and Evolutionists Rests on a Semantic Mistake.John M. Collins - 2011 - Law and Philosophy 30 (6):645-684.
    I argue that the dispute between two leading theories of interpretation of legal texts, textual originalism and textual evolutionism, depends on the false presupposition that changes in the way a word is used necessarily require a change in the word’s meaning. Semantic externalism goes a long way towards reconciling these views by showing how a word’s semantic properties can be stable over time, even through vicissitudes of usage. I argue that temporal externalism can account for even more semantic stability, however. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Limits of Virtue: Moral Psychology and Military Conduct.John M. Doris - 2023 - Journal of Military Ethics 22 (3-4):227-240.
    Drawing on arguments in Doris (2002, 2022) [Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Character Trouble: Undisciplined Essays on Moral Agency and Personality. Oxford: Oxford University Press], this essay argues that good character is typically an insufficient “bulwark” against misconduct in military organizations, for two reasons: (1) the situational sensitivity of behavior and (2) the relatively small effect sizes associated with personality variables. Additionally, what is known about moral development and education gives limited reason to think (...)
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    The Question of "Eclecticism": Studies in Later Greek Philosophy.John M. Dillon & A. A. Long (eds.) - 1988 - University of California Press.
    This collection of essays is addressed to the growing number of philosophers, classicists, and intellectual historians who are interested in the development of Greek thought after Aristotle. In nine original studies, the authors explore the meaning and history of "eclecticism" in the context of ancient philosophy. The book casts fresh light on the methodology of such central figures as Cicero, Philo, Plutarch, Sextus Empiricus, and Ptolemy, and also illuminates many of the conceptual issues discussed most creatively in this period.
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    Gadamer and the author's authority: A language-game approach.John M. Connolly - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (3):271-277.
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    Scientists at the bar: the professional world of patent lawyers.John M. Conley & Lynn Mather - 2012 - In Leslie C. Levin & Lynn Mather (eds.), Lawyers in practice: ethical decision making in context. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 245.
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    Growth of a motor skill as a function of distribution of practice.John M. Digman - 1959 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 57 (5):310.
  50. Hermias as a transmitter of Iamblichus' exegesis of the Dialogue.John M. Dillon - 2019 - In John F. Finamore, Christina-Panagiota Manolea & Sarah Klitenic Wear (eds.), Studies in Hermias’ Commentary on Plato’s _Phaedrus_. Boston: BRILL.
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